Newer treatments for Erectile Dysfunction involve Acoustic Waves, or Shock Waves, applied to the erectile tissues of the penis.
Men’s Clinics the world over have been offering this Acoustic wave treatment for years. In Europe, Acoustic Wave or Shock wave therapy has been suggested as a first line therapy for Erectile Dysfunction.
Acoustic Wave Therapy, Shock Wave Therapy or Sonic Wave therapy, for Erectile Dysfunction all refer to Low Intensity Shock waves applied to the vascular tissues, to help regenerate small blood vessels to alleviate Erectile Dysfunction.
Watch Video with Dr. Aquino explaining Shock Wave Therapy (or Acoustic Wave Therapy)
Acoustic Wave therapy is most beneficial when the Erectile Dysfunction is caused by vascular problems, such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease. Acoustic wave therapy also has benefits for other causes of ED.
Ontario Men’s Health clinic has much experience treating men with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) with Acoustic wave therapy (or Shock Wave therapy).
Learn more by visiting the Acoustic wave therapy for Erectile Dysfunction page or call us at 416-512-6367.